We are a Christ-centered, Gospel preaching, Bible believing, disciple-equipping,
Baptist, and reformed fellowship of forgiven people.
We would love for you to worship with us each Sunday at 10 AM.
You can also join us ONLINE!

We have a high regard for Scripture, and this can be heard in our sermons. There is a famine in the land for the Word of God, and we want to do our part to feed His sheep by nourishing them with His Word. As God has given the Bible to teach, reproof, correct, train, and equip, we believe that it should be emphasized and taught in a way that all can understand. Each Sunday, we eagerly progress through a book of the Bible verse-by-verse, using Scripture to interpret Scripture.

We believe that we are saved by Grace alone, through Faith in Christ alone, and that the reason for our existence is to Glorify God alone. We acknowledge the importance of church history, creeds, and reformed confessions; however, we believe that Scripture alone is authoritative, inerrant, and inspired by God. We believe that, according to Scripture, baptism is reserved for believers. We also believe that the Doctrines of Grace are firmly grounded in Scripture.

We have a variety of Bible Studies that meet both at the church and in local homes in Denton, Krum, and Sanger. Some are open to all, but we also offer Men, Women, and Youth Bible Studies. These studies are wonderful for learning, encouragement, and fellowship. Our groups are led by mature believers and/or Elders of the church.
We look forward to meeting you! Want to know what to expect with
your first visit to our Denton church?
"I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it
is the power of God for salvation
to everyone who believes."
- ROMANS 1:16
June 22, 2024 - The Battle for Truth with Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker
April 13, 2024 - The Waters That Divide with Stephen Wellum & Thomas Schreiner
November 11, 2023 - Hope in the Midst of Trials with Martha Peace
October 14, 2023 - Ready to Reason with Dr. Jason Lisle
July 22, 2023 - Clouds Without Water II with Justin Peters
April 22, 2023 - Keys for Interpreting the Book of Revelation with Dr. Greg Beale
October 22, 2022 - What is New Covenant Theology? with Blake White
June 18, 2022 - Reaching Catholics for Christ with Mike Gendron