Keys for Interpreting the Book of Revelation
with Dr. Greg Beale
April 22, 2023
About this event:
The Church of Pecan Creek, Denton TX, is proud to host guest speaker Dr. Greg Beale.
Dr. Beale has written nearly 20 books and commentaries. He is one of the leading scholars on the Book of Revelation and Biblical interpretation. His Revelation commentary has proven to be one of the most prolific commentaries every written.
Dr. Beale is Professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) Dallas. He has had a long and distinguished academic career, teaching at Grove City College, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Wheaton Graduate School, and Westminster Theological Seminary. Before joining the RTS Dallas faculty in 2021, he served as Westminster’s J. Gresham Machen Chair and Research Professor of New Testament and Biblical Interpretation. Dr. Beale is a past president of the Evangelical Theological Society. He is also an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
Dr. Beale is a native Texan and a graduate of Southern Methodist University (SMU), Dallas Theological Seminary, and Cambridge University.
The Church at Pecan Creek is committed to bringing in Christian speakers who are specialist in their fields to help in the equipping of our church and the surrounding community. All donations received from the event will go to the guest speaker and support their ministry.