The Waters That Divide:
A Conference on Baptism
with Dr. Stephen Wellum and
Dr. Thomas Schreiner
April 13, 2024
About the event:
Lots of churches believe in baptism but differ on (1.) the meaning of baptism and (2.) who should be baptized. Dr. Stephen Wellum and Dr. Thomas Schreiner, two well-published authors and theologians, are joining together to discuss the importance of believer’s baptism and to oppose infant baptism.
About our speakers:
Dr. Stephen Wellum is Professor of Christian Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, and editor of the Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, where he has taught since 1999. He received his PhD from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois and he is the author of numerous essays and articles and the co-author with Peter Gentry of Kingdom through Covenant, 2nd edition (Crossway, 2012, 2018) and God’s Kingdom through God’s Covenants: A Concise Biblical Theology (Crossway, 2015); the author of God the Son Incarnate: The Doctrine of the Person of Christ (Crossway, 2016) and Christ Alone—The Uniqueness of Jesus as Savior (Zondervan, 2017); and the co-author of Christ from Beginning to End: How the Full Story of Scripture Reveals the Full Glory of Christ (Zondervan, 2018). He has served as a pastor, associate pastor, and interim pastor in a number of churches in the USA. He is married to Karen for the last 35 years and they have 5 adult children.
Dr. Thomas Schreiner is an Associate Dean for the School of Theology and the James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Professor of Biblical Theology. Prior to joining Southern, he taught New Testament at Azusa Pacific University. He also taught at Bethel Theological Seminary for 11 years. Schreiner is a Pauline scholar who has written extensively on this subject. He is married to Diane and they have four children. Schreiner is a member of Clifton Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky.
The Church at Pecan Creek is committed to bringing in Christian speakers who are specialist in their fields to help in the equipping of our church and the surrounding community. All donations received from the event will go to the guest speaker.
Saturday Schedule (April 13th)
9:00 am - 10:00 am ― Session 1: “The Argument for Infant Baptism” with Stephen Wellum
10:00 am - 10:15 am ― Break
10:30 am - 11:30 am ― Session 2: “Interpreting Baptismal Texts: Part 1” with Thomas Schreiner
11:30 am - 12:45 pm ― Lunch Break
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ― Session 3: "A Defense of Believer's Baptism" with Stephen Wellum
2:00 pm - 2:15 pm ― Break
2:15 pm - 3:15 pm ― Session 4: “Interpreting Baptismal Texts: Part 2” with Thomas Schreiner
3:15 pm - 3:45 pm ― Q&A with Wellum and Schreiner
Sunday Schedule (April 14th)
Worship Service:
10:00 am - 11:30 am ― “Faith Glorifies God” (Romans 4:17-25) with Thomas Schreiner
Churchwide Discipleship:
11:30 am - 12:30 pm ― "Consequences of the New Covenant for Theology and Life" with Stephen Wellum