Many families have given huge parts of their children’s upbringing to others. Education is now something that the state oversees. Many parents are, for the most part, hands-off in the education of their children. Unfortunately, their children’s spiritual growth is often treated the same way. They have consigned the church to oversee their children’s spiritual education.
Sadly, parents have become people who make money to support a family, but the other roles of education and the things of God are divvied out to others.
The concept of family worship is that the parents, not the church, are the first and primary ones in charge of training a child up in the ways of the Lord.
The church should play a role, but it was never designed to be the only place. The home was the primary training ground long before there was ever a church building.
This home training ground must be reclaimed.
Dr. Trey Talley, Lead Pastor and Elder