False Teachers: A Biblical Critique of the Word of Faith Movement
with Justin Peters
June 12-14, 2020
About this event:
False Christianity is on the rise. Who can we trust? Who can we not trust? False Christianity has even invaded much of today’s worship music. Justin’s Clouds Without Water multi-media presentation and lecture exposes the Word of Faith movement, prosperity gospel teachers, and faith healers of our day.
A featured speaker at major Bible conferences and around the world, Justin is well-researched, studied, and equipped for the task of exposing false teachers for who they truly are. Justin has preached and taught at churches, Bible conferences, and seminaries across the United States and in twenty-five countries. Recently Justin was also featured in the highly-acclaimed documentary, The American Gospel. Justin met his bride, Kathy, at an evangelism conference near Los Angeles, California in 2009. They were married in August of 2010. From 2014 until 2019 they lived in Sandpoint, Idaho and were members of Kootenai Community Church. They now, along with their little dog, Mia, reside in Bozeman, Montana, and are members of Grace Bible Church (Just Justin and Kathy are members. Mia has not yet been able to give a credible profession of faith). For more about Justin visit justinpeters.org.
A love offering will be received for Justin Peters Ministries. Your generosity is appreciated.